• Jack Frost Dream

    Irish cream and vanilla flavor topped with peppermint and toasted marshmallow flavors, swirled with white chocolate sauce, topped with whipped cream and candy cane sprinkles.

  • Tiramisu Mocha Latte

    Dark chocolate and amaretto flavored latte topped with chocoate powder

  • Prancers Punch

    Cherry and orange flavored pink grind thing with coconut milk and topped with orange juice

  • Iced Mac Cookie Latte

    Cookie Butter and Macadamia Nut latte with

    brown sugar boba, white choc. cold foam, caramel drizzle, and cinnamon powder

  • Snow Day

    Vanilla smoothie blended with peppermint and toasted marshmallow flavors, swirled with white chocolate sauce, topped with whipped cream and candy cane sprinkles

  • Milk and Cookies GT

    Cookie butter flavored Red Gind thing with cream,

    swirled with caramel drizzle, topped with cold foam and cinnamon powder